Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Unpredictable day

June, 20th 2012
*Watching cartoon* *heard my sister's laugh* Arrggh.. I felt so nervous! i was waiting for my dad. Yes, he was taking my school rapot. Hopefully, i could got my scores increase or steady. I tried to focus on the cartoon -_-.
It was weird enough that my father didn't go to my school early. Oh ya, remember! My sister got cough, so my father must give medicine for her. Well, my father went to my school at 9 am.
One word that i extremly felt then.... "NERVOUS".
In short... my father arrived at home and i tried to stay cool to ask him about my raport.
Alhamdullilah! It was unpredictable! He said that i got 2nd rank in my class. Suhanallah! Now, i believe if i work hard and pray to Allah, i will get success :).
My father said that i might not feel satisfied! The road to pursue my dreams still far, i must trust myself and fell confidence. I can.. i can.. i can !!!
I have one homework that i must do now. It is.... I have to control my EI (Emotional Intelligent).

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